Swawa3D on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/swawa3d/art/3089-An-Action-RPG-Overlord-s-Promising-Design-425303733Swawa3D

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3089 An Action RPG: Overlord's Promising Design



This is my "high detail" artistic rendition of characters from the game 3089 (the sequel to 3079). The actual game has a simple, low polygon style.  The Overlord (left) is shown assembling the player character (right).  Note that the overlord is not visually shown in the game and the player character model can only be seen when you create a decoy or in multi-player. 

I designed the Steam trading cards, emoticons, backgrounds and badges for the game. This image is a slightly modified version of a steam profile background.  The Steam cards, backgrounds, etc. can be viewed on Steam Card Exchange

Also check out my artist rendition of the 3079 Races.

"3089 is 3D open-world futuristic action role-playing game for Windows, Mac & Linux."
For more information visit the 3089 website.
The game is also available on Steam

Software used: DAZ Studio 4.6 (various content & render), 3DS MAX (modeled the robot on the right hand side), Photoshop (texture editing & minor post work)
Image size
1920x1200px 2.11 MB
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